Uttalande av SWEDHR om felrapportering i Veterans Today. Statement by SWEDHR on misrepresentations referred in Veterans Today

Statement by Swedish Doctors for Human Rights on misrepresentations referred in Veterans Today

The Indicter Uttalanden om Veteran Today’s felaktiga article
The site Veterans Today 8 April published and article with the title “Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos”. Veterans Today This formulation is utterly inaccurate and do not represent our true position on the issue, neither what SWEDHR is as independent NGO organization of human rights, nor the conclusions reached by the doctors examining the White Helmets videos.
(The original article can be found: White helmets movie: Updated evidence from SWEDHR confirm fake lifesavings and malpractices in children and here )
Swedish Doctors for Human Rights is NOT a “Swedish medical association”. The text below is found at “About us” in the SWEDHR website:

“SWEDHR is a non-profit, non-governmental organization formed with the participation of Swedish professors, PhDs, medical doctors and university researchers in the medical sciences and health-related disciplines, devoted to international issues in the human rights front. This participation is purely voluntary and made on a private basis. SWEDHR’s statements represent solely the members of this organization, not all Swedish doctors or any other institution or professional/academic association that the participants in SWEDHR are associated with.”
Syrien Indicter 170409 X. injection-0-2-box
Swedish Doctors for Human Rights has never accused the Whte Helmest of “murdering children”. Neither we have accused of such atrocity the personnel showed in the video published by White Helmets. We took special care of formulating our conclusion as to exclude any accusation of intentional killing. This is instead the conclusion we have reached after examining videos published by White Helmets in YouTube:


‘Lifesaving’ procedures on the children showed in the White Helmets videos were found to be fake, and ultimately performed on dead children. The syringe used in the ‘intracardial injection’ performed on the male infant was empty, or its fluid was never injected into the child. This same child showed, briefly, discrete life-signs (uncertain in my judgement) in the first segment of WH Vid-1. If so, this child might have died during the lapse in which the ‘lifesaving’ manoeuvres showed in the White Helmets movie went on. (Which is not the same than affirming that the personnel seen in the videos caused the dead of the infant. In forensic terms, the actual cause of death, as well as the mode and the issue of intent, refer to different items than those treated in our analysis).”

Professor Marcello Ferrada de Noli, chairman

Professor Anders Romelsjö, vice-chairman

Swedish Doctors for Human Rights, SWEDHR

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Universitetslektor Tim Andersons bok ”Det smutsiga kriget mot Syrien” är saklig, faktarik och har massor av referenser.


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7 svar till “Uttalande av SWEDHR om felrapportering i Veterans Today. Statement by SWEDHR on misrepresentations referred in Veterans Today”

  1. I hope you’ll get through to Veterans Today. I read their article and of course they are seriously twisting what you very carefully said about the actions of the White Helmets. You never even nearly imply that any killing was going on as the video was taken. It is perfectly clear that you are saying that one or more of the children might have been dead already. The grotesque simulation of an injection into the child’s heart definitely seemed to me, a layman, to have been performed on a lifeless body. It was so horribly unbearable to watch that I would think not even these actors would have the heart to set up an act of this kind on a live child. Which is not the same than affirming that the personnel seen in the videos caused the dead of the infant. Professor Ferrada de Noli writes: This same child showed, briefly, discrete life-signs (uncertain in my judgement) in the first segment of WH Vid-1. If so, this child might have died during the lapse in which the ‘lifesaving’ manoeuvres showed in the White Helmets movie went on. (Which is not the same than affirming that the personnel seen in the videos caused the dead of the infant.) In case you have not yet sent this to ’Veterans Today’, maybe you could say instead: ”Which is not the same AS affirming that the personnel seen in the videos caused the DEATH of the infant.) Just a minor point. You are all doing fine.

  2. Jag har vid ett antal tillfällen besökt VT:s hemsida. Kompotten är blandad. De bedriver lovvärd kampanj mot den amerikanska interventionspolitiken och arbetar för bättre omhändertagande av veteranerna. Men de är samtidigt hetsporrar som skjuter över målet och inte sällan ser falska flaggor och konspirationer där sådana inte finns. Inte helt oväntat att ert ställningstagande undergått omotiverad bearbetning.

    • Ordföranden i SWEDHR, professor Marcello Ferrade de Noli har informerat mig ”SWEDHR har inte mottagit ”dödshot” som sådant. Det är inte det som jag svarade till journalisten från Rossiya 24 som ställde frågan till mig under intervjun. Det är inte heller det som hon rapporterade i programmet som sändes därefter i Rossiya 24. Vad hon sade i programmet var att trots hotelser mot mig i socialmedia, tänker jag fortsätta, att jag inte är rädd, och att egentligen ”I do not care” (det hörs tydligt i programmet).

      Jag har också sagt till den journalisten och andra journalister som har ställt frågan, att de inte skall göra en stor sak av detta, att inte fokusera på min personliga situation, att vi inte vill riskera att ta uppmärksamhet från resultat av vårt granskningsarbete gällande detta propagandamaterial från White Helmets.

      • Modig man ! Modiga läkare ! Må goda krafter välsigna och bevara dom. Visste inte ens ( tills nyligen) att det fanns en sådan organisation. Jag är inte exalterat , bara upprörd och rörd och så är det Påsk..

      • Ok Tack. Uppgifterna i andra eller tredje hand lät oroande, som komna av direkta försök att tysta kritiken mot den usla kvaliteten och bristen på seriositet i White Helmets propaganda.

  3. […] Däremot har SWEDHR tidigare skrivit att en tidigare video med White Helmets visar oprofessionella insatser mot barn som förefaller vara döda eller medvetslösa. Detta är svårbedömt. Detta i en artikel uppdaterad 20/3 Uppdaterade bevis för att film med White Helmets bekräftar felaktiga insatser och felaktig behandling av barn Det är denna artikel som lett till artiklar och intervjuer i olika media, och till omnämande i FN:s säkerhetsråd Vi skrev senare som en replik till en artikel i Veterans Today som missuppfattat artikeln ”Swedish Doctors for Human Rights has never accused the Whte Helmest of “murdering children”. Neither we have accused of such atrocity the personnel showed in the video published by White Helmets. We took special care of formulating our conclusion as to exclude any accusation of intentional killing. This is instead the conclusion we have reached after examining videos published by White Helmets in YouTube:” Felrapportering av Veterans Today […]