Till Petro Porosjenkos försvar!?

Kanske har jag och andra på denna blogg varit alltför kritisk mot Ukrainas president Petro Porosjenko. Här kommer en text från Anti-Euromaidan, Sweden för läsning, begrundan och eventuell kommentar.
Ukraina Petro-Poroshenko
Nedanstående engelska text är en jämförande studie mellan Hitler och Porosjenko. Den är skriven av Renat Kuzmin (f. 1967), som var presidentkandidat i Ukraina för två år sedan, men som sedan 1 juni 2014 har en arresteringsorder utfärdad mot sig av myndigheterna i Ukraina, som lyder under Kiev-regimen. Den 9 januari 2015 beslutade Interpols generalsekretariat att inte efterlysa Kuzmin med motiveringen att brottsundersökningen mot honom i Ukraina är politiskt motiverad. Han är professor i juridik samt advokat.

In Defense of P. Poroshenko
The Ukrainian president has been increasingly frequently accused of Nazism and use of Hitler’s principles in government of the state, but nobody referred to facts to prove that. I bring forward my arguments in defense of the Ukrainian president.

1. Hitler came to power having no support of the majority of the voting public due to alliance of Nazi and aggressive militarists. Although Poroshenko did not get support of the majority of Ukrainian voters, his victory became possible due to alliance of radicals, corrupted tycoons and western intelligence agencies supporting anti-constitutional change of power. And this is a big difference.
Hitler med hälsning II
2. Hitler created a Nazi state and Nazi legal system and affirmed the principle “The race is above all things”. Poroshenko creates a criminal and corrupted state and repressive legal system hiding behind the principle “Nation is above all”.

3. Hitler’s domestic policy was characterized by:

– equalization of the state and Nazism;

– organization of political terror against the opposition;

– deprivation of undesirable social groups of civil, political and property rights;

– militaristic state rhetoric.

Poroshenko’s domestic policy is characterized by:
– equalization of state and radical nationalism;

– organization of political terror against the representatives of former authorities and those who are against anti-terrorist operation (ATO);

– deprivation of undesirable social groups of basic civil rights under cover of “lustration” and criminal prosecution;

– militarization of social life.
Svoboda ordförande Oleh Tyahnybok untitledUkrainska fascistpartiets Svobodas ordförande

4. To protect the state’s interests Hitler created armed storm troops, to which functions of “ancillary police” were assigned. Poroshenko created armed voluntary squadrons performing the functions of ”maintain order” in the ATO area.
Ukraina snpu_logo

5. Nazi legal doctrine acknowledged the legality of everything that, in the authorities’ opinion, reflected the purpose of “pure race”. It was considered legal to apply violence to opposition, mass robberies and murders of civilians. When Hitler came to power, he announced amnesty for storm-troopers. On the other hand, Ukrainian legal doctrine acknowledges legality of everything that, in the authorities’ opinion, reflects purposes of “Ukrainian nation”. It allows violence towards the representatives of former authorities and those who are against ATO, as well as robbing the civilians “for protection of the state”. Poroshenko announced amnesty for members of volunteer squadrons and participants of ATO who committed crimes.

6. Hitler forbade communist and social democratic party. Poroshenko forbade communist party. Hitler removed Jews, communists and social democrats from active social and political life. Poroshenko removed the representatives of former government and political opponents.

7. Hitler’s Gestapo got the right to make arrest of opponents of Nazi regime “for protection of the state”. They were kept in concentration camps, where they were subjected to torture and execution. In case of Poroshenko persons who represent danger for the regime are kept in “secret jails”, where monitoring commissions of UNO and OSCE fix tortures and non-judicial executions.

8. In Hitler’s time SS were announced to be top forces who upon the instructions of the Nazi state carried out reprisal raids against the civilians, ensured security in concentration camps, liquidated undesirable civil and ethnic groups. In case of Poroshenko national policy includes heroization of Ukrainian war criminals, including those who participated in mass murders of the civilians.
Bandera - Maj W 160729Ny staty av Ukrainas nazistledare Bandera
9. Hitler used a terrorist attack organized by the Nazi – Reichstag arson – as an excuse to organize mass repressions and usurpation of power. For those purposes Poroshenko uses war at Donbass called anti-terrorist operation organized by current regime.

10. Killing oppositional publicists, such as Jung, was justified by the “righteous anger of healthy nation”. In case of Poroshenko not only opposition journalists, such as Buzina, are killed, but also rather neutral towards regime ones, such as Sheremet.

11. Hitler tried to create United German Protestant Church that had to support Nazi state and justify militaristic policy of the Third Reich. Priests who were against that idea were subjected to violence and mass arrests performed by Gestapo. Poroshenko makes attempts to create united local Ukrainian church, which must support Ukrainian government and justify bloodshed in ATO. Priests who are against that are subjected to violence on the part of voluntary armed forces and “patriot activists” and administrative pressure on the part of authorities.

12. Hitler carried out forcible Germanization of the occupied territories. For instance, to turn Czechoslovakia into a colony citizens of that country were obliged to speak German and the legislation was brought in accordance with the Nazi laws. Poroshenko introduced English language training for the government officials, laws are rewritten under the instructions of American embassy and the consultants, who are representatives of US intelligence agencies, work in all bodies of government.

13. Hitler built his Nazi state without caring for personal enrichment. He did not own any confectionery factories. Poroshenko, during his term as the President, increased his private income several times against the background of critical impoverishment of the population. Lipetsk Confectionery Factory, which he owned, still works in Russia and contributes to the federal budget financing Russian army, which, according to Poroshenko, has been running a war for over two years now.

As you see, accusations of Poroshenko in building Nazi state have no grounds and multiple coincidences are, for sure, accidental.

Hitler finished his political way tragically, but Germans suffered from guilt for Nazi crimes for many decades after. If his fate is the same as Hitler’s, this will be another coincidence. One of the many, which the newest Ukrainian history is rich in.”

* Men vänta nu, det här var väl inte ironi? *

Ukraina fascism
Några andra artiklar om Ukraina.
* Rysslands aggression mot Ukraina
* Ukrainakrisen: Från Nulandkakor till kallt krig. Del 1
* Ukrainakrisen: Från Nulandkakor till kallt krig. Del 2
* Avslag från Granskningsnämnden
* Dödsskjutningarna på Maidan: USA-stödd ”false flag” enligt vetenskaplig rapport
Poroshenko och Obama. images4YUZEIHV
* Protestera mot svenska regeringens uttalande 21/2 1015 om Ukraina
* Väntad kalabalik i konkursfärdiga, korrumperade statskupps-Ukraina
* Gallup visar att 8 % är nöjda med regeringen i Ukraina medan 80 % är nöjda med Putin i Ryssland
* USA-ikonerna Kissinger och Brzezinski kritiserar USA:s Ukrainapolitik
* Nynazist ny talman i Ukrainas parlament
* Regissören Oliver Stone: Statskuppen i Kiev påminner om andra CIA-kupper
Vågar du verkligen se Oliver Stones film om Ukraina
Granskning av svenska dagstidningars rapportering om Ukraina-krisen

intressant.se , , , , , , , , Ukraina

8 svar till “Till Petro Porosjenkos försvar!?”

  1. Första punkten:
    ” Although Poroshenko did not get support of the majority of Ukrainian voters, his victory became possible due to alliance of radicals, corrupted tycoons and western intelligence agencies supporting anti-constitutional change of power. And this is a big difference.”

    RK bortser ifrån eller känner inte till den omfattande samarbete mellan CIA och ukrainska nazister sedan andra världskriget, och deras drivkraft i Maidan ”rörelsen”.

    Alec Luhn, January 21, 2014:

    ”The surge in violence sparked by Right Sector has revealed how uncritical and undiscerning most of the media has been of the far-right parties and movements that have played a leading role in the “Euromaidan,” the huge protests for closer ties to Europe that flared up in November and have taken over Kiev’s Independence Square (“Maidan Nezalezhnosti”). Protest coverage focused on the call for European integration and the struggle against the Yanukovich regime has largely glossed over the rise in nationalist rhetoric, often chauvinist, that has led to violence not just against police, but also against left-wing activists.

    According to Maksim Butkevich of the coordinator of the No Borders Project of the Center for Social Action NGO, which works against discrimination and xenophobia, far-right groups have grown in popularity over the course of Euromaidan.

    I wouldn’t say it’s big, that huge numbers of activists will join far-right groups after this, but they became more acceptable and in a way more mainstream than before for many active citizens,” Butkevich said.

    Svoboda is the most visible party on the square, it has essentially taken over Kiev City Hall as its base of operations, and it has a large influence in the protestors’ security forces.

    Nonetheless, some left-wing parties, including the Marxist party Borotba, don’t support the protests because they worry about the growing power the demonstrations have given to Svoboda. Their concern alludes to a darker side to patriotic hymns and sayings.

    On December 4, labor organizer Denis Levin and his two brothers were beaten by a small crowd shouting “Glory to Ukraine” and “Death to Enemies” after a nationalist writer on the stage pointed them out as “provocateurs” with red flags, Levin told The Nation. Shortly before and after the attack, Miroshnychenko, a member of Svoboda’s political council, came by the tent where the brothers were agitating for the Confederation of Free Labor Unions, Levin added. The nose of one brother was broken, and Denis suffered from the irritative gas used against the trio.

    Men wearing armbands with the wolfsangel nationalist symbol also started the violent clashes on nearby Bankova Street on December 1 that led to riot police counter-attacking and beating journalists, photos from the incident show, although it’s not clear in whose interests they were acting.

    But political analyst Kost Bondarenko, commenting on Svoboda’s recent torch-lit march in Radio Free Europe/Radio Svoboda’s Russian service, said that as the dominant far-right political party, Svoboda could benefit politically from any continuation of radical actions at Euromaidan.”



    En utmärkt artikel i Sputniknews om läkta och publicerade Soros-dokument:

    ”The bulk of George Soros’ documents hacked and published on DC Leaks website shed the light on the magnates’ meddling into Ukrainian affairs and shaping public opinion in Western Europe regarding the February coup of 2014 in Kiev through a series of projects and media campaigns.

    However, this is complicated by the reluctance of some EU actors to accept the Maidan revolution as democratic and the Ukrainian government as legitimate. These actors have their own agendas — related to geopolitical and economic considerations with Russia — and will therefore be difficult to influence,” the OSIFE document underscored, adding that ”for other groups and individuals, on the political left and across various social movements, one can detect confusion regarding the state of affairs in Ukraine.

    In addition, it sought to amplify ”left-wing ’pro-Maidan’ opinion formers’ voices” in the debate on Ukraine by organizing conferences ”on the New Ukraine in partnership with the political science/international affairs department in the leading universities in each of Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Greece.””


  2. Inte behöver man vara lik Shitler för att representera en skrämmande insats i historiken. Det räcker att vara lik dess siamesiske tvilling fascismen.. De har ju trots allt samma moder och fader ändå och dess gener förblir lika genom varenda århundrade.. och är inte ödet ironiskt mot Poroshenko.. Han har ju inte alls lyckats berika sig som Tymoschenko gjorde och har förblivit västs/malströmsmedias skötebarn och ängel med hårgloria sedan svindeln inleddes..

    Mitt bidrag blir hur Soros organiserar fördumningens utbredning i Ukraina.. http://sputniknews.com/europe/20160812/1044209120/ukraine-education-reform-analysis.html Sin härkomst, riktning och avsikter förnekar inte girigbuken. Man anpassar alltså donen efter personerna som ska befolka det nya landet…

  3. De har ett särskilt soldatråd vid sidan av det vanliga militärrådet med politiska bataljoner som består av våldsamma nazister från hela världen.

    Inrikesministern sitter i detta råd med kommendanterna för bataljonerna, på detta sätt dirigerar den exekutiva makten i Ukraina (Petro är ansvarig) politiska militära styrkor runt om i landet för att slå ned dissidenter. Men det räcker kanske inte att administrationen använder våldsamma nazister som ett redskap emot interna dissidenter för att administrationen skall betraktas som nazistisk.

    Om rådet:

  4. Intressant! Likväl missar jämförelsen den stora skillnaden: Hitler ledde den på sin tid mest aggressiva imperialistmakten i dess expansionistiska offensiv mot Ryssland. Porosjenko är bara en marionett åt vår tids mest aggressiva imperialistmakt i dess expansionistiska offensiv mot Ryssland.