Storbritanniens regering erbjöd 160 000 kr/månad till journalist för terrorist-propaganda

Massmedia desinformerar våldsamt om kriget i Syrien. Ett exempel gavs i blogginlägg 11/12. Aftonbladet anngriper denna blogg
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* Aftonbladet desinformerar om Syrien

Köp och läs den unika ”Vitbok om Syrien – massmedia och politik i Syrien”. Endast 40 kr. Se annons till höger på bloggsidan. Där finns analyser av massmedia roll, och här presenteras fakta om hur CIA levererar artiklar till tidningar runtom i världen, och betalar journalister – sedan decennier.

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Kommentatorn ”M” har åter sänt in en kommentar för ungefär en vecka sedan. Som fått vänta pga. av ännu mer aktuella händelser. Jag sätter den som blogginlägg nedan

British Govt-Funded Outlet Offered Journalist $17,000 a Month to Produce Propaganda for Syrian Rebels
Emails reveal that a popular source for mainstream Western media is a U.K.-backed propaganda outlet.

The Revolutionary Forces of Syria (RFS) media office, a major Syrian opposition media outfit and frequent source of information for Western media, is funded by the British government and is managed by Westerners operating out of Turkey, according to emails provided to AlterNet by a Middle East reporter RFS tried to recruit.
Anders: Vad jag förstår tillhör RFS de ”moderata rebellerna” som strider tillsammans med den antidemkratiska, kvinnoföraktande terroristorganisationen Jabhat Fateh al-Sham (al-Nusra).

In a followup phone conversation, the acquaintance explained to the reporter what the job would entail.
“I would have been talking to opposition people on the ground and writing news pieces based on statements from media activists who are affiliated with the armed groups in places like Aleppo,” the reporter later explained.

The salary offered for this task was an eye-popping $17,000 a month.
“The idea that I would work for the government of a country that’s intimately involved in the Syrian conflict is one that’s incomprehensible for me as a journalist,” he told AlterNet.
Final Countdown for Nusra Front in Syria’s Aleppo: Stop Romanticizing ‘Moderates’al-Nusra
RFS’s videos and hashtags are regularly picked up by major Western media outlets. One of its videos has even been cited by human rights groups as evidence of Russian war crimes. Among its most viral campaigns is #AvengersInAleppo, which featured photos of children living in East Aleppo holding up signs calling on Marvel comic book superheroes to save them.

Prior to that, RFS capitalized on the popularity of Pokémon Go to sell a pro-interventionist message to Western audiences with photos of children in opposition-controlled areas of Syria holding up photos of Pokémon characters with messages calling for intervention. The campaign garnered favorable media coverage from major outlets, including the Guardian, the Washington Post, CNN, the Independent, Reuters, and the BBC, none of which have bothered to question the origins of RFS or similar pro-opposition outlets.

RFS Media is just one of several different propaganda outlets financed by the U.K. Foreign Office. A recent investigation by the Guardian revealed that the British Foreign Office Conflict and Stability Fund has secretly pumped at least £2.4 million (over $3 million U.S.) into pro-rebel propaganda outfits based out of Istanbul.
Obama & Cameron untitled
The money began flowing after the British parliament voted against bombing the Syrian government in late 2013. (RFS Media launched in December 2013 in both English and Arabic.) The vote against war was attributed in large part to public pressure, as citizens on both sides of the Atlantic, reluctant to overthrow yet another Middle Eastern government after the disasters in Iraq and Libya, mobilized against another campaign for Western regime change in Syria.

After the political defeat, the U.K. Foreign Office embarked on a clandestine propaganda campaign to suppress the public’s anti-war sensibility, hiring private contractors to “produce videos, photos, military reports, radio broadcasts, print products and social media posts branded with the logos of fighting groups, and effectively run a press office for opposition fighters,” according to the Guardian.
Propagana 1 untitled
The warped picture of Syria that has been provided to Western media consumers is not the fault of the Syrian opposition, which is merely advancing its own most immediate public relations needs without regard for the objective truth, as combatants in war often do. It is, however, a damning indictment of a media establishment that has failed to scrutinize convenient pro-war narratives that serve their own governments’ geopolitical interests.

Några artiklar om Syrien.
Kongressledamot i USA: Vi finansierar terroristgrupper i Syrien
EU villigt betala Assad om terrorister får styra del av Syrien
Varför kapitulerar inte rebellerna?
Fortsatt svenskt stöd till terrorister i Syrien
De USA-stödda ”moderata rebellerna” i FSA i Syrien nära kollaps
Caesar: Gammal otillförlitlig rapport om Syrien dammas av
Amnesty: Ny partisk och otillförlitlig rapport om Syrien
Artikel av mig i Flamman 19/11 2015:Syrienkriget är en av USA planerad intervention
Lögner om Syrien
Aftonbladet desinformerar om Syrien
Vem startade kriget i Syrien?
USA-general, Obama, Biden: Vi har medvetet släppt fram al-Qaida och ISIS i Syrien
Vi har beskjutits av terrorister i 4 år

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7 svar till “Storbritanniens regering erbjöd 160 000 kr/månad till journalist för terrorist-propaganda”

  1. Arbetet skriver ”Tusentals människor gick ut på gatorna i västra Aleppo i glädje över att regimen nu kontrollerar hela staden. – Vi har väntat i fem år på detta, säger Rana al-Salem, som är ute och firar, med tårar i ögonen.” (
    De skriver ”Förlusten av Aleppo anses vara det största slaget mot den syriska oppositionen sedan konflikten inleddes i mars 2011.”
    Jag sände in följande kommentar:
    ”Det skrivs om förlusten av östra Aleppo. Men det handlar om den största segern hittills över terrorister som stöds av Väst enligt Obama och Biden. Östra Aleppo kontrollerades av främst al-Nusra som är ISIS tvillingar, med samma ideologi. De är antidemokratiska, kvinnoförtryckande och motståndare till religionsfrihet. Notera hur milt de behandlas av Syriens regering nu. Och det är väl känt att SOHR stödjer dessa terrorister. Hög tid med en korrekt beskrivning! Inte skriver ni om tvillingen ISIS som oppositionen i Irak.”

  2. Hue kommer det sig att USA dödar 50.000 IS-krigare i Irak, och sen antas stödja deras tvilling i Syrien? Gränsen mellan Irak och Syrien är öken, bara att köra igenom.

    • Varifrån fick du siffran 50,000? Har du en källa? Eller åberopar du fejk monopolmedia av typen NYT, CNN, DN, ABC, BBC och alla de andra fejk nyhetskanaler som slutar med bokstaven C? Antigen är du helt naiv eller värre en imperietroll. Vakna om du är naiv! USA dödar inte ISIS, utan beväpnar, tränar och stödjer ISIS, dessa halshugg terrorister och världens avskum som USA älskar att kalla ”moderata”. Om du däremot är en imperieroll, så ska du veta att det är ingen som köper dina falskvaror här…

  3. The Media Are Misleading the Public on Syria, by Stephen Kinzer

    The Boston Globe was owned by the New York Times, but sold it to a Boston billionaire 3 years ago. So now it is free to tell the truth on a few things.

    Under intense financial pressure, most American newspapers, magazines, and broadcast networks have drastically reduced their corps of foreign correspondents. Much important news about the world now comes from reporters based in Washington. In that environment, access and credibility depend on acceptance of official paradigms. Reporters who cover Syria check with the Pentagon, the State Department, the White House, and think tank “experts.” After a spin on that soiled carousel, they feel they have covered all sides of the story. This form of stenography produces the pabulum that passes for news about Syria.

    Astonishingly brave correspondents in the war zone, including Americans, seek to counteract Washington-based reporting. At great risk to their own safety, these reporters are pushing to find the truth about the Syrian war. Their reporting often illuminates the darkness of groupthink. Yet for many consumers of news, their voices are lost in the cacophony. Reporting from the ground is often overwhelmed by the Washington consensus.

  4. Det rätta namnet på västerländsk massmedia är Mass bedrägerivapen.
    Det är klart att lill-brittanien betalade skyhöga löner för att skapa fejk nyheter och stödja halshuggar-terrorister.
    Eliten som styr landet räknade som så att i jämförelse med de miljarder dessa vampyrer skulle tjäna genom att plundra Syrien via ett lyckat ”regime change” projekt, är 160,000 SEK petitesser. Tyvärr gick det inte som vampyrerna hade räknat. Syriens folk, regering och landets legitima ledare Bashar Al-Assad, samt Ryssland, Iran, Hizbollah och den Palestinska motståndsarmén satte stopp för vampyrernas våtdröm om att plundra Syrien. Dessutom fick även Oded Yinon planen stryk. Aj, aj, aj – vilken skymf sionisterna fick. Därav ramaskriet – det är misslyckandets fräna bär vi hör i media och från uppköpta politikerna.

  5. UK fd ambassadör i Syrien:

    The UK government has lied about Syria’s civil war and its policies have “made the situation worse,” according to a former British ambassador to the country.

    Peter Ford said the Whitehall department led by Boris Johnson and his predecessor Philip Hammond had “gotten Syria wrong every step of the way.” Ford, who was Britain’s ambassador to Syria from 1999 to 2003, said Britain had misread the situation in the country since the start of the conflict.

    He claimed the UK’s tough talk followed by little action to back the rebels in Syria had preceded a rebellion that had “only led to hundreds of thousands of civilians being maimed and killed.”

    “We have made the situation worse,” he added.

    “It was eminently foreseeable to anyone who was not intoxicated with wishful thinking.”

    Speaking to the Independent, he said the government had falsely claimed Syrian President Bashar Assad could not control the country, when he was now on his way to doing just that.

    “They told us at the beginning that Assad’s demise was imminent. They told us he’d be gone by Christmas. They didn’t say which Christmas, so they could still be proven correct.

    “But then they told us that the opposition was dominated by these so-called moderates. That proved not to be the case and now they’re telling us another big lie – that Assad can’t control the rest of the country. Well I’ve got news for them – he’s well on the way to doing so.”

  6. White Helmets: Fraudsters Serving Western Spy Agencies

    There are organizations that use Syria’s tragedy and human suffering for their own ends. They would go to any length in order to get into public spotlight. Quite often they make reports about the situation in the war-torn country, perpetuating the narrative about the «heroic deeds» of «moderate» opposition forces being pounded by Russian air raids. Western media present them as news received from trustworthy sources. That’s how public opinion is shaped.

    Russian air strikes in Aleppo have killed some 1,207 civilians, 380 of them children, the Syrian White Helmets civil defense group has recently told United Nations war crimes investigators in a letter. A 39-page document outlining the accusations against Russia was submitted to the UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria. It lists some 304 alleged attacks carried out primarily between July and December in the Aleppo region, in which the authors say there is a «high likelihood» of Russia’s responsibility. «Evidence clearly indicates that Russia has committed or been complicit in war crimes in Syria», the White Helmets letter to the UN inquiry said.

    The question is who exactly are the White Helmets, the group able to get such precise data about what is happening on spot amid the battles raging in the country hit by devastating war?

    Hailed as heroic rescuers rushing to the aid of injured civilians in terrorists-controlled parts of Syria, the White Helmets are nothing else but an elaborate deception. The group is nothing else but a tool used by Western spy agencies to denigrate Russia and everyone who does not support the terrorists in their effort to overthrow the Syria’s legitimate government. The organization is a good example of the fact that all is fair in propaganda wars waged by the Western intelligence agencies against Russia.