EU-parlamentet “Västmakterna, inklusive USA och UK respekterar inte Minsk 2″.

Signaturen ”M” bidrar mycket till bloggen genom kommentarer,inte sällan med intressanta citat och länkar. Den 17/11 omvandlade jag tre kommentarer från henne om besöket av Ukrainas premiärminister Poroshenko hos Sveriges statsminister Löfvén till ett blogginlägg och strax därefter sex nya kommentarer till ett nytt blogginlägg! Här en ny kommentar av ”M”, omvandlad till blogginlägg. Löfven träffar Poroshenko ; Ukraina:Lästips för Löfvén, Wallström och Hultqvist

* Igår rapporterade TV Rapport om demonstrationer i Kiev mot att olika löften från tiden för statskuppen 22/2 2014 inte infriats av Poroshenko. Detta skedde på 3-årsdagen av då protesterna på Maidan-torget inleddesDemonstrationer i Kiev Inget har egentligen skett mot korruptionen, som kan ha ökat. Poroshenko har enligt TV inte heller utrett dödsskjutningarna på Maidan som enligt alltfler belägg utförts av högerextrema grupper, som jag flera gånger rapporterat här.
* Pressen benämner felaktigt Janukovitj som ”Rysslands allierade”. Det var han inte. Han arbetade för bra relationer med både EU och Ryssland, och hans första utlandsresa som president gick till EU. Men han accepterade ett erbjudande från Ryssland som var 25 gånger bättre än EU:s bud i november 2014. Allt annat vore ansvarslöst, men det initierade drevet mot Janukovitj. Historierevisionen pågår
Janukovits, Rumpler och Barroso ukraine-1_530_317sharJanukovitj besöker EU
* Ryssland rapporterar också nu att Ukrainska styrkor har kidnappat två av deras soldater på Krim.Ryska soldater kidnappade ”Kiev, it said, conducted the abduction with the apparent aim of exerting “psychological and physical pressure” to have them make confessions needed by the Ukrainian side. “We consider these actions taken by Ukrainian security services against Russian citizens as another flagrant provocation and demand their immediate release to Russian territory,” the ministry said.

Debatt i EU-parlamentet i Strasbourg
, juli 2015 (artikeln/informationen är giltig även idag, då det inte förekommit varken ändringar i MINSK2 avtalet eller uppfyllelse av några villkor)

European Parliament told “Western powers, including the UK and U.S., are not respecting the Minsk 2 Agreements”

According to Czech MEP Miroslav Ransdorf, a long time parliamentarian and member of the GUE political grouping in Parliament, the leaders of the two regions, Donestk and Luhansk, say there is no need for independence, just some form of autonomy. ”The problem is that without constitutional change solving the problem of these two regions is not possible. You cannot implement Minsk 2 Agreement without this,” he said.

”I have asked Federica Mogherini (EU foreign policy chief) about this and she agreed with me, saying Kiev has to undertake these reforms. It is therefore surprising that no one in the European Parliament wants to speak about these things.The problem also is that no one will discuss this with the two regions, therefore, the Minsk 2 agreement is being violated”.
Further contribution came from John Laughland, director of studies at the French Institute of Democracy and Cooperation, who said that the ”EU sanctions were recently renewed on the basis that the Minsk accords had not been respected but the problem is that they are not respected by the Ukrainian side.” One of the Minsk 2 provisions calls for the removal of all foreign armed formations yet 290 U.S paratroopers were recently despatched to Ukraine. There is no mystery about this so we can see that the Western powers, including the UK and U.S., are not respecting the Minsk 2 Agreements”. Minsk 2 also says there should be a special status for the two territories but “no practical steps are being undertaken from the Kiev side” to implement this provision, said Laughland.

Meanwhile, the Paris based academic said that the ”rhetoric of Poroshenko “shows that he continues to see the civil war as a terrorist phenomenon by a foreign intervention, speaking about 200,000 Russian troops massed on the Ukrainian border, 20 times the figure which Germany has called ”dangerous propaganda”. He added, ”Recently, the deputy head of the Presidential administration said openly to the press that the new Ukrainian constitution will contain no special status provisions for Donetsk and Lugansk.”
According to Laughland this is a ”clear violation” of Minsk 2 Agreements.

* In another intervention Italian political scientist Alessandro Musolino said Minsk 2 agreements will work only in case Europe takes measures and makes Kiev to sit at the negotiation table. Kiev, he said, must show ”real deeds” but not only words concerning implementation of the Minsk agreements.

He said, ”Europe should understand that Russia is not our enemy but our partner and a loyal one in fighting terrorism such as IS. Let us not forget this. We must clearly state that the ball is on the Ukrainian side regarding implementation of Minsk agreements.”
Man kan väl undra om EU ledarna är mentalt friska, när dom förlänger ryska sanktioner tills kraven i MINSK2 uppfylls, när allt faktiskt handlar om Ukrainas skyldigheter?

Några andra artiklar om Ukraina.
* Ukrainakrisen: Från Nulandkakor till kallt krig. Del 1
* Ukrainakrisen: Från Nulandkakor till kallt krig. Del 2
* Avslag från Granskningsnämnden
* Dödsskjutningarna på Maidan: USA-stödd ”false flag” enligt vetenskaplig rapport
Poroshenko och Obama. images4YUZEIHV
* Protestera mot svenska regeringens uttalande 21/2 1015 om Ukraina
* Väntad kalabalik i konkursfärdiga, korrumperade statskupps-Ukraina
* Gallup visar att 8 % är nöjda med regeringen i Ukraina medan 80 % är nöjda med Putin i Ryssland
* USA-ikonerna Kissinger och Brzezinski kritiserar USA:s Ukrainapolitik
* Nynazist ny talman i Ukrainas parlament
* Regissören Oliver Stone: Statskuppen i Kiev påminner om andra CIA-kupper

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16 svar till “EU-parlamentet “Västmakterna, inklusive USA och UK respekterar inte Minsk 2″.”

  1. Fast SVT-reportern kunde inte låta bli att ljuga på slutet…hon påstod att i öster låg Ukraina i krig med Ryssland? vilket ju är en uppenbar lögn…hade det varit sanning hade Poroshenko sedan länge avlägsnats från makten! (skulle tro att Ukraina i ett riktigt krig med Ryssland skulle krossas på ca en vecka) Sedan hade hon mage att påstå att många i Ukraina var nöjda med ”reformerna” och ”kampen” mot korruptionen som Poroshenko påstods ha fört (vilket ju är en fet lögn när t o m Saakasvhili avgår för att Ukraina är för korrumperat). Helt klart desinformation för att släta över att Ukrainas dagar som nation närmar sig slutet och att dölja att våra skatte pengar som Löfven så frikostigt delade ut till skurkarna nog kan anses vara förlorade. Till saken hör att undersökningar i Ukraina visar att stödet för Poroshenko är närmast obefintlig. Man kan än en gång konstatera att SVT:s trovärdighet är på ett brant sluttande plan på väg utför stupet. Beklämmande…

    • Micheil Saakasjvili är ju en marionett för västvärldens intressen. Men i viss mån försökte han göra det han var anlitad att göra i Ukraina,att bekämpa korruptionen, men det visade sig svårt när kuppregimen bestod av genomkorrupta.

      Detta är min favoritfilm med Saakasjvili, västs ”enforcer” mot korruptionen. Detta visar att nazister är dåliga redskap. Arsen Avakov är inte rädd för någon, svarar inte, vi försedde aset med en egen armé fanatiska nazister, däribland svenska nazister. Han kan döda vem han vill och tvekar inte att göra det.

    • ”skulle tro att Ukraina i ett riktigt krig med Ryssland skulle krossas på ca en vecka”

      ”Military observer Andrei Vadzhra clearly explained what would happen if Russians actually decided to attack the Ukraine.
      Andrei Vadzhra concluded:

      If Russia were to really attack the Ukraine, the Kiev population would see thousands of Russian paratroopers in the streets a few hours from the beginning of the combat action. Five or six hours later Russian tanks would enter Kiev from the Brovary and Vyshgorod sides. And no one would have any doubt that the invasion had started. It would be so obvious as to require no further evidence.

      However, war against the Ukraine is the last thing we want. Despite the fact that there are real idiots in office there who are provoking Big Brother’s temper and even trying to pluck at the Bear’s mustache. And despite the fact that there are many people in Russia and in the Ukraine who would like to see a military settlement of the problem.

  2. EN intressant artikel från 2014 Poroshenkos valkampanj, innan Krim återförenades med Ryssland:

    In the past few weeks, the man Forbes magazine has called the ”Willy Wonka of Ukraine,” who lives in a palatial estate outside of Kiev, counts French impressionist Claude Monet as his favorite artist and drives a Bentley, has actually done a lot to get closer to the Ukrainian people. He has traveled the country, even making a visit to Simferopol in Crimea before its annexation by Russia, a place that acting Ukrainian Prime Minister Yatsenyuk hasn’t dared travelling to.

    ”We have to find a compromise,” Poroshenko told a crowd gathered in front of the Crimean parliament, but his appeal was drowned by shouts of ”Russia, Russia.”

    Ukrainian PM Arseniy Yatsenyuk in 2012 – Tatars should be punished for the capturing of Crimean land

  3. Ytterligare en kritisk tjeckisk röst från EP som kräver sanktioner mot Ukraina:

    ”Imposing sanctions against Ukraine over its failure to implement the Minsk agreement, and mishandling of Odessa massacre investigation, would be the ”honest” solution, a Czech member of the European Parliament told Sputnik Friday, regretting that the move was unlikely amid Rusophobic moods in Europe.

    “If the world were honest, there would have been sanctions, and even international tribunal to judge what happened in Odessa and other places in Ukraine, would have already taken place. But unfortunately, the international community uses double standards,” Jiri Mastalka said. “But in the Rusophobia that has set in the European Union, it is very unlikely to happen,” he added.”

    I en annan artikel samma politiker kräver bildande av en observationsgrupp för utredning av SBUs (ukrainska underrättelsetjänsten) olagliga gripande och tortyr av dom gripna:

    ”Jiri Mastalka, a Czech member of the European Parliament said that an observer group in charge of investigating the illegal detentions and torture of the detainees by Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) should be formed.
    “I am afraid the situation might be even worse than he is describing it,” Jiri Mastalka said. “The way out is to create an observer group in charge of investigating the situation because there are rules of how to treat the detainees. We have Geneva conventions, and I think the Ukrainian authorities must be interested in such observer group that will prove or rule out the tortures,” he added.”

  4. Även franske parlamentariker Thierry Mariani (som besökt Krim två gånger trots ukrainska protester!) uttalar sig om att först lyfta ryska sanktioner och införa sanktioner mot Ukraina

    ”So far, the Verkhovna Rada has not carried out a single reform stipulated by the Minsk II accords. This is why we back the lifting of sanctions against Russia. Excuse me, but logically, there are two ways. First, anti-Russian sanctions must be lifted, and second, sanctions must be introduced against Ukraine. Because right now, Kiev is showing disrespect by failing to implement the Minsk accords. The main responsibility is with the Ukrainian side,” Mariani said in an interview with the Russian Izvestia newspaper, published on Friday.”

  5. Från en counterpunch artikel från 2 maj 2014

    ”Fighting broke out on Friday in the eastern Ukrainian city of Slavyansk when Kiev’s coup government deployed military helicopters to fire on the city while troops and armored vehicles stormed checkpoints. At the time this article went to press, two helicopters had been shot down killing at least two pilots while one was captured. In an impassioned statement on Russian TV, Kremlin spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, appealed to allies in the EU to do whatever they could to persuade Ukrainian authorities to call off the operation and stop the violence.

    “We are calling on the European capitals, the United States of America to give an assessment of the current events and are of course calling on those carrying out airstrikes on residential areas to…immediately end the punitive operation and any violence against its own people…”

    On Thursday, it looked like violence might be avoided when coup-President Oleksandr Turchynov said that he had lost control of the situation. In an exasperated message to the media, Turchnov said, “It is hard to accept but it’s the truth, but the majority of law enforcers in the east are incapable of performing their duties.””

  6. Poroshenkos klan kan ha trillat dit med ej uppriktiga e-deklarationerna

    ”The Spanish properties of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko; Ihor Kononenko, a deputy head of the president’s Bloc of Petro Poroshenko party and onetime business partner; and Oleh Hladkovskyy, a deputy secretary of the Ukrainian National Security and Defense Council, had previously been kept secret.

    But none of the properties is enumerated in those public officials’ publicly searchable asset declarations that came due on October 30 as part of a new, International Monetary Fund (IMF)-backed push to boost transparency and root out graft, according to an investigative program of RFE/RL’s Ukrainian Service, Skhemy (Schemes), that aired on November 10.

    Yehor Sobolyev, co-author of the declaration law and head of parliament’s anticorruption committee, agreed.

    ”In my opinion, there is evidence of breach of the law ’On Preventing Corruption’ by the president of Ukraine, who did not declare the villa in Spain in his electronic declaration,” he told Schemes. ”The explanation from representatives of the presidential administration that the owner of the villa is not the president, but a company that he controlled, is incorrect.””

  7. En annan anmärkningsvärt citat från augusti 2014:

    Bogdan Boutkevitch: Ok, you ask me ”How can this be happening?” Well, it happens because Donbass, in general, is not simply a region in a very depressed condition, it has got a whole number of problems, the biggest of which is that it is severely overpopulated with people nobody has any use for. Trust me I know perfectly well what I am saying.

    If we take, for example, just the Donetsk oblast, there are approximately 4 million inhabitants, at least 1.5 million of which are superfluous. That’s what I mean: we don’t need to [try to] ”understand” Donbass, we need to understand Ukrainian national interests.

    Donbass must be exploited as a resource, which it is. I don’t claim to have a quick solution recipe, but the most important thing that must be done – no matter how cruel it may sound – is that there is a certain category of people that must be exterminated.

  8. En som inte vet innehållet i Minsk2 avtalet men ändå kritiserar Ukraina

    Slovak PM says Ukraine not ’the good guy’

    Slovak PM Robert Fico told the Reuters news agency on Saturday that Ukraine is ”even less” in compliance with the Minsk ceasefire accord than Russia. ”With the Minsk agreement, it is necessary to take stock. It is not true that Ukraine is the good guy and Russia is the bad guy,” he said. Ukraine denies this. EU sanctions on Russia, to be discussed in October, are tied to Minsk compliance.

  9. The European Union created additional problems for itself by supporting the new Kiev authorities, as they are failing to eradicate corruption in Ukraine, which threatens to have a direct negative effect on European countries, a report by the Organized Crime Observatory (OCO) revealed.

    The positive effect of the EU integration policies is obviously highly questioned: although it may have worked out in certain countries, it was catastrophic in other countries such as Romania and Bulgaria,” the Wednesday report says, adding that ”Ukraine can be considered as the second major failure of the EU foreign policy after Yugoslavia because the Union was not able to impede the war.”

  10. Är Poroshenko riktigt ”frisk”??

    His (Poroshenko) meeting with Hollande focused on three impossible-to-grant requests: that Europe open its borders to Ukrainian citizens and allow them visa-free access to the EU; that the EU send a peace-keeping force to Donbass; and that France sell Kiev weapons to continue its aggresion on the residents of Donbass. That the latter two requests cancelled each other out, that they make no rational sense whatsoever – you want a peacekeeping force and you want weapons to continue a war in the conflict area where you wish to have EU peace-keeping take place at the same time? — seems not to have occurred to or not to have bothered Porosheno and his immediate advisors.

  11. Angela Merkel och EU ljurendrejeri

    Intervju med avgående EU ambassadör i Ukraina, Jan Tombinski, med ukrainska radiostationen Radio EC-Evropeiska Stantsiya:

    Tombinski explained that Russia’s ostensible obligations under the Minsk agreements were in no way connected to European officials’ decision to prolong anti-Russian sanctions.

    Accordingly, Tombinski noted, the sanctions can be extended whether Russia ’complies with its obligations’ or not. The diplomat did not reveal what exactly those ”obligations” might be, given that Moscow is not even a direct party to the conflict, but a mediator. Instead, he suggested that the sanctions were connected with Russia’s ”aggression” against Ukraine and the ”annexation” of Crimea, whose population voted overwhelmingly to break off from Kiev and rejoin Russia amid the instability that followed the 2014 coup.

    Tombinski’s remarks, essentially revealing that EU sanctions against Russia might remain in place indefinitely, come at an unfortunate time for German Chancellor Angela Merkel. A day prior to his comments, Merkel reiterated to Czech Prime Minister Bohuslav Sobotka the oft-used mantra that the EU’s sanctions were directly connected to Moscow living up to its commitments under Minsk.

    Commenting on the apparent inconsistency between the talking points used by Brussels and Berlin, Azhdar Kurtov, a senior expert at the Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, told the Svobodnaya Pressa online paper that this not the first time Western leaders have effectively lied to Moscow about sanctions being connected to concrete actions. In fact, he suggested, it’s become somewhat of a tradition.