Mer desinformation av SvT om Ukraina

Signaturen ”M” är en återkommande berikat denna blogg med faktarika, kunniga kommentarer i skilda ämnen. Denna gång har hen, som är pensionerad ekonom, utgått från vad SvT nyligen skrev om Ukraina. SvT: Kriget i Ukraina skördar fler offer
Ukraina Ukrainsk soldat
I en artikel 29/7 skriver SvT ”USA:s ambassadörer i Ukraina och säkerhetsorganisationen OSSE slår nu larm om att våldet eskalerat i östra Ukraina. Under de senaste veckorna har dödsoffren blivit fler än på ett år.
Gång på gång bryts vapenvilan i östra Ukraina. Mer än 20 ukrainska soldater har dödats senaste veckan av ryska separatister”
enligt Daniel Baer som är USA:s ambassadör vid organisationen för säkerhet och samarbete i Europa, OSSE.
”Situationen har försämrats dramatiskt de senaste veckorna. Vi ser att antalet dödsoffer är större än på ett år” säger Daniel Baer på en presskonferens idag för en grupp europeiska journalister.
De senaste två månaderna har mer än 63 ukrainska soldater dödats och 327 skadats, enligt Daniel Baer. Nu spiller striderna över från Avdiivka, Horlivka och Donetsk stad till nya samhällen som Semyhiria, Kodema och Vodiane. Nya ryska vapensystem tros vara en förklaring, menar han.
Vi tror att introduktionen av nya vapensystem är en del av förklaringen till den alarmerande toppen av våld och dödsoffer som vi sett de senaste veckorna, säger Geoffrey Pyatt som är USA:s ambassadör i Ukraina.
Dessutom har OSSE:s civila och obeväpnade observatörer, SMM, ( ) problem att få tillgång till viktiga områden. De använder också drönare. Men det händer att flygplanen blir nedskjutna när de ser tunga ryska vapen i områden där de inte borde vara, enligt ambassadör Daniel Baer.
”Vi ser fortsatt återupprustning med vapen och soldater. Vi ser fortsatta provokationer för att konflikten ska fortsätta. Fokus måste vara att återställa vapenvilan, säger han.”
Mina kommentarer:
1. Journalisten ljuger när denne blandar i OSSE, när det framgår av artikeln att uttalandet av amerikanske ambassadören (till OSSE) Daniel Baer gjordes ”på en presskonferens idag för en grupp europeiska journalister”.
2. Officiella OSSE (eller OSCE) pressträff brukas hållas av ”Alexander Hug, the SMM’s Principal Deputy Chief Monitor”, inte av amerikanska ambassadörer. Det brukar presenteras civila offer och förluster på båda sidor.
3. Det anges alltid att det är BÅDA sidor som bryter mot vapenvila:
”KYIV, 12 July 2016- Ambassador Ertugrul Apakan, Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine (SMM), today expressed his unease following a recent sharp increase in fighting in eastern Ukraine. He said a ceasefire is a KEY step towards the restoration of stabilization, normalization and ultimately, peace. Adherence to a full and sustainable ceasefire is a basic requirement of the Minsk documents. It is a political and moral obligation, he added.
The Chief Monitor called on the sides to adhere to a full and sustainable ceasefire as already agreed. As an immediate first step, withdrawal of weapons in accordance with the Minsk Agreements and disengagement are needed.”
4. Av OSSE dagliga rapporter INTE framgår att det tillkommit ”nya ryska vapensystem” som amerikanerna ljuger om.
5. Av samma rapporter framgår att det är ukrainska styrkor som hela tiden uppehåller sig i ”säkerhetszonen”
(av OSSE rapporten från 29 juli som länkas till i artikeln:
The SMM observed the presence of armoured combat vehicles in the security zone, namely three amphibious tracked infantry fighting vehicles (BMB1) mounted with an anti-tank guided missile system each in the area of government-controlled Krasnohorivka (21km west of Donetsk)”.
6. I princip är det ukrainska styrkor som hela tiden flyttar ”tunga vapen” from sk lagringsplatser:
”The SMM revisited permanent storage sites whose locations corresponded with the withdrawal lines. At Ukrainian Armed Forces sites, the SMM observed 39 tanks (T-72, T-64) and three mortars (2B9 Vasilek, 82mm) missing. The SMM revisited a heavy weapons permanent storage site in “LPR”-controlled areas and noted that seven towed howitzers (D-30, 122mm) were missing.”
Poroshenko och Obama. images4YUZEIHV
7. Det är BÅDA sidor som skjuter mot OSSE- drönare:
”(In relation to the SMM long-range UAV that crashed during the night of 25 July while flying over government-controlled Avdiivka (17km north of Donetsk) (see SMM Spot Report 26 July 2016), the SMM is continuing to follow up on the case, including with the JCCC, the Ukrainian Armed Forces, and “DPR” members, to confirm information and establish a possible cause of the crash.)”
8. Att det dör fler ukrainska soldater kan bero på deras ”onyktra” tillstånd:
9. Intressant att amerikanerna kallar separatisterna för ”ryska”, trots att de är ukrainare.
Dessutom, har amerikanska ambassadörerna missat helt (minst) två ukrainska attacker bevittnade av OSSE representanter:
– det ena den 29 juni som nättidningen ”Junge Welt” skrivit om:
”The Ukrainian army began the biggest attacks in months on the ‘People’s Republic of Donetsk’ in Donbass region in eastern Ukraine on June 29. As media in the internationally unrecognized republic reported, citing military spokespeople, soldiers of the 54th motorized rifle brigade of the Ukrainian Army penetrated for several kilometers in the direction of the transportation hub of the city of Debaltseve.
Kyiv’s troops temporarily occupied the locality of Logvinovo and nearby hilltops before coming under attack and withdrawing to their initial positions.
What caused the retreat is not entirely clear. While the media of the People’s Republics reported that units of the people’s militia had repulsed the attack after initial confusion, with Ukraine losing three of four armored personnel carriers used in the attack, it later said that the Russian representative in the OSCE ceasefire monitoring group convinced his Ukrainian counterparts to order the withdrawal. It would seem, remarkably, that this had the tacit approval of the Western representatives in this group.
The patriotic Ukrainian media is silent about this whole story. But this doesn’t mean that the clash did not take place. Official Ukrainian agencies do not report failed operations. Even their own losses are barely reported.”
engelsk översättning:

Den andra kommentaren 25/7:
”During the past week, the situation on the front in Donbass was marked by an increase in the number of Ukrainian bombardments of the territory of the Republic with heavy weapons. According to the Donetsk People’s Republic Defense Ministry, Kyiv made more than 3,500 attacks, 700 of which were made from 122 and 152 mm weapons.
In addition, for the first time since the signing of the Minsk-2 ceasefire agreement 18 months ago, the cities of Donetsk, Gorlovka (the largest city in the north of the DPR) and Yasinovataya (located between Donetsk and Gorlovka) were bombarded during the day. As a result, even the OSCE representatives were forced to note in their report the fact of fifteen attacks on the territory of the DPR from the Ukrainian positions.
This fact was also confirmed by international observers from Germany and Finland, who had arrived in the DPR to monitor election primaries and visited the most intensively shelled districts of Gorlovka.
Examining numerous destructions and interacting with the locals, who had been living under daily shelling for two years, the representatives of Europe personally heard the sounds of shelling coming from the outskirts of the city.

Situation report in Donetsk and Lugansk on July 25, 2016

Den ryska OSSE ambassadören har en annan åsikt än amerikanerna:
”Russian diplomat suspects Kiev of preparing military operation in Donbass”
”Especially concerning are intensifying shellings of residential areas in Donbass, Lukashevich stressed. ”Over the last two weeks, signs of dangerous build-up of military activities of Ukrainian Armed Forces were registered in different parts of the contact line in Donbass,” he said. ”There are also reports about cleansings carried out by Ukrainian forces in settlements near the contact line – Maryinka and Schastye,” Lukashevich said.
He also noted ”information about deliveries of foreign military equipment, including unmanned aerial vehicles, to Ukraine that will adjust artillery fire.”
The ambassador reminded about the raid of Ukrainian forces from Svetlodarsk toward Debaltsevo on June 29, when they used tanks and heavy artillery. ”It is obvious that we see another attempt to seize more territory, to collect information about the defense line of the self-defense forces. This instance cannot be described as ‘self-shelling’ of the self-defense forces in any case,” he noted.”
Den ukrainska SBU använder OSSE- oversättare som spioner:
“The testimony and documents received by the FSB counter-intelligence from [Ukrainian citizen] Shestakov unambiguously demonstrate that Ukrainian special services illegally use the OSCE mission in the Lugansk People’s Republic to collect military data and organize acts of sabotage,” the Federal Security Service’s Center for Public Communications reported on Monday.
“The disclosed facts prove that the Ukrainian special services ignore international law,” the message read.”
Donetsk blog: Situation in the South Worsening – US Supply Kiev with Ammunition
”In the LPR, a group of journalists came under attack from the Ukrainian side. While they were interviewing a soldier of the Republican army, a sniper opened fire them.
According to the DPR intelligence, in the last few days, Kiev delivered to the front about 80 units of equipment, including heavy mortars, motorized artillery systems, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, and 10 trucks with ammunition (see below pictures of weapons mentioned), as well as up to 1,000 personnel, including more than 100 Lithuanian mercenaries.
In addition, the DPR intelligence reported that the West secretly supplies Ukraine with lethal weapons. In particular, this week, the US Air Force brought to Kiev an allegedly humanitarian cargo, which, in addition to 5 tons of medicines, contained 16 tons of ammunition for small arms, namely, about 2 million cartridges, signal flares and smoke grenades.
In the Ukrainian media recently appeared reports from the east of the country, in which they say that the Ukrainian army has advanced by 3 or 4 km and the soldiers are just waiting for the order on a further, full-scale offensive.”
DONi News Agency / Irina Burya, 29.7.2016

Några andra artiklar om Ukraina.
* Ukrainakrisen: Från Nulandkakor till kallt krig. Del 1
* Ukrainakrisen: Från Nulandkakor till kallt krig. Del 2
* Avslag från Granskningsnämnden
* Dödsskjutningarna på Maidan: USA-stödd ”false flag” enligt vetenskaplig rapport
Poroshenko och Obama. images4YUZEIHV
* Protestera mot svenska regeringens uttalande 21/2 1015 om Ukraina
* Väntad kalabalik i konkursfärdiga, korrumperade statskupps-Ukraina
* Gallup visar att 8 % är nöjda med regeringen i Ukraina medan 80 % är nöjda med Putin i Ryssland
* USA-ikonerna Kissinger och Brzezinski kritiserar USA:s Ukrainapolitik
* Nynazist ny talman i Ukrainas parlament
* Regissören Oliver Stone: Statskuppen i Kiev påminner om andra CIA-kupper
Vågar du verkligen se Oliver Stones film om Ukraina
Granskning av svenska dagstidningars rapportering om Ukraina-krisen

1 Victoria Nuland Admits: US Has Invested $5 Billion In The Development of Ukrainian, ”Democratic Institutions” (Information Clearing House)
2 Det hade ju funnits grav korruption under den ryskvänlige Viktor Janukovytj också, men den nya formen av korruption var orkestrerad av USA och den satt mycket illa med i synnerhet den ryska Krimbefolkningen.
3 Till och med CNN som inte är känd för sin objektivitet skriver helt sanningsenligt ”Turnout was high, but many Crimean Tatars, an ethnic Turkic group with deep roots on the peninsula, were boycotting the vote, as were many ethnic Ukrainians.
4 ”A Russian Warning” By Dmitry Orlov, The Saker, Victor Katsap and Evgenia Gurevich , , , , , , , , Ukraina