Etikett: Syria

  • Uttalande av SWEDHR om felrapportering i Veterans Today. Statement by SWEDHR on misrepresentations referred in Veterans Today

    Statement by Swedish Doctors for Human Rights on misrepresentations referred in Veterans Today The Indicter Uttalanden om Veteran Today’s felaktiga article The site Veterans Today 8 April published and article with the title “Swedish Medical Associations Says White Helmets Murdered Kids for Fake Gas Attack Videos”. Veterans Today This formulation is utterly inaccurate and do […]

  • USA har ”boots on the ground” i Syrien och vill bygga militärbas

    Syrien har nu olagligt besatt två flygbaser i USA på områden som behärskas av terrorister, som vill bygga en egen stat, och man har också 300 specialsoldater där, eller hur det nu var. Detta behandlades i en artikel här i januari förra året. Förtjänar att åter läsas, tycker i alla fall jag. Den 8 januari […]

  • Hillary Clinton – Mrs. Strangelove?

    This article is a translatation of the paper A queen of chaos should not throw stones in a glass house/En drottning av kaos ska inte kasta sten i glashus, which was published 25 September in the Swedish journal ”Västerbottenskurien”. Västerbottenskuriren The article has now been translated by Siv O’Neall in Lyon, France and has also […]

  • A queen of chaos should not throw stones in glass houses

    This article was published in the major Swedish Newspaper ’Västerbottens-Kuriren’ on Sunday 25 SEP 2016 at 22:15 by by Leif Elinder, Anders Romelsjö and Martin Gelin, three Swedish doctors engaged in the peace movement. (Translation to English by Martin Gelin.) ”Hillary Clinton’s fears in regards to her rival candidate appear to be justified. At present […]