Igår skrev jag om Dagens Nyheter och tidningens rätt uppenbara agenda att anklaga Iran på de mest häpnadsväckande sätt. Nu var det inte riktigt så han sade, dessutom var det taget helt ur sin kontext. Det finns all anledning att börja hålla koll på vad den största morgontidningen skriver. Nyhetsbyrån Irna: ´Iran-Sweden-President President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday castigated a Swedish daily for publishing blasphemy against Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and said that the Zionists, who do not believe in religion, are behind such a dirty job. WReligions call for friendship, equality, justice, peace and respect for divine prophets (Peace Be Upon Them). The Zionists only pretend to believe in religion. They are telling lies. They are perpetrating oppression against the Europeans and putting at risk the prestige of Europe.” He said that the Zionists are the minority whose population is very small, but, they are doing things in an organized manner. They are suffering from psychological complex since blasphemy against one prophet accounts for blasphemy against all of them. Elsewhere in his interview, the president said that the UN nuclear agency has closed Iranian case of Plutonium adding that the agency is doing its job free from political objectives. |
He reaffirmed Iran’s commitment to international conventions and said that Iran supports the IAEA in its professional job. “It is a dirty act to settle your scores with Iran by misusing the name of an international organization.”´ Men gå dit och kolla själv vad de rapporterar och jämför det med DN. Dagens Nyheter har, enligt mitt sätt att se saken, tagit på sig en roll att diskreditera Iran och ifrågasätta allt de säger och gör. Men nu gör man det i en omfattning så att jag undrar vilka motiv som egentligen styr det. Fundera sedan högt om varför just Dagens Nyheter skriver absolut mest om Iran dessa dagar! Källor: DN1 DN2 DN3 DN4 DN5 DN6 DN7 SvD1 SvD2 Irna Andra bloggar om: Mediekritik, Propaganda, Dagens Nyheter, Partisk, Vinklad, Förljugen, Islamofobi, Hets, USA, Bush, Politik [tags]Mediekritik, Propaganda, Dagens Nyheter, Partisk, Vinklad, Förljugen, Islamofobi, Hets, USA, Bush, Politik[/tags] |